To create your new blog, there are some settings in the blog so that we do can be recognized by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and more. If you do not know what to do to in the blog, here are the steps :
1. You must first login to with the username and password belong to you
2. Select the title of the blog you want in the settings (if you already have several blogs)
3. Select Settings, then select Basic. Some form of content that should be on the menu is basic :
- Title: the title of the content of your blog. Example: Practically Guide
- Description: the description of the content of your blog. Example: Practically Guide | Tutorial.
- Add your blog to our list: select Yes each post so that we always go on the list of
- Let the search engines find your blog: select Yes
- Show Quick Editing on your Blog: select Yes
- Show Email Post links: select Yes, select does not also does not do anything
- Adult Content: Select No. Select Yes if you mean the blog's blog for the adult (porno blog)
- Show Compose Mode for all your blog: select Yes
- Enable transliteration: select No, alternative language that other languages Cuma hindi (India), select Yes if you like India languages.
- Select the Save Settings button.
- Done.
4. Select the Publish menu to set the Publication:
- Address blogspot: content with the name of your blog. Example: Pracitaclly.
- Select the Save button settings
- Done.
5. Select the Format menu to set the format:
- Show: select a number posts (which means you make the article) that you want to show. Example: Show: 9 posting, this means that articles will appear on your blog page is an article of nine. Choose Post (not days) in the pulldown menu.
- Date Header Format: select the date / month that you like, Format the date / month this will always appear above our post.
- Archive Index Date format: select a model for archiving that you like.
- Timestamp Format: Select the shape you like.
- Time Zone: Select the time zone of the location of your line. WIB for example: [UTC-+7.00] Asia / Jakarta.
- Language: Select the desired language, if you are a beginner, choose language
- Show Field title: Select Yes
- Show column link: select Yes
- Activate the flattening float: select Yes
- Select the Save Settings button
- Done.
6. Select Comments, To set the menu Comment:
- Comments: select Display, this article so that you can in the comment by a visitor
- Who can comment: Select Anyone - including the Anonymous User. This mean that in every person can be said is not limited to members only blogspot.
- Comments Default for Posts: select a new post has a comment.
- Link back: Select the Show. This is so we know that when there is a link on our article.
- Backlinks Default for Posts: select new post Have Backlinks.
- Comments Timestamp Format: select the format you short hours. Example: 8:00 PM.
- Show comments in a popup window: select Yes. So that when the Select by visitors, the blog page you do not disappear, especially the comments page.
- Enable comment moderation: select.
- Show word verification for comments: select Yes. Intended to avoid the software with the goal of making a robot spam.
- Display pictures in the profile comment: select Yes. So that the picture ID commentator who has a blogger, you can display the photos.
- Email Notification Comments: fill with your email address, this is intended in order to have any comment on the article, you can post as an email from notice.
- Select the Save Settings button.
- Done.
7. Select the Archive, To set the Archive:
- Archive Frequency: select Weekly or Monthly.
- Enable Post Pages: select Yes.
- Select the Save Settings button
- Done
8. Select Site Feed, to set the menu Site Feed:
- Allow Blog Feed: select Full.
- Post Feed URL Changing Directions: fill in the address of the feed from the feed address such feed burner, if not own, in clear only.
- Post Feed Footer: Please fill in with the ad code you have, eg, the ad code from Google Adsense etc., but if not, please clear the course.
- Select the Save Changes button
- Done.
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