About Alexa Traffic Rank

One of the traffic rank a website or blog that provides data is accurate enough Alexa. Alexa is useful resource for people to discover information about websites. You can use Alexa to discover how popular a site is, to find new sites, to learn who owns a site and a lot more. Whether you are a web professional trying to size up your online competition or you're just trying to find the best website to buy a new TV, Alexa is for you.

Top Sites
What if you could take all the websites in the world and sort them by popularity? Alexa has done just that. Click on the Top Sites tab to unlock a whole world of information about websites. You can see a list of the most popular sites in the world, based on global rankings — something only Alexa can provide you. Popular sites by country is another Alexa exclusive. For example, if you want to know what sites people in Brazil like to visit, you can find out.
Perhaps the most powerful Top Sites feature is located in the "By Category" tab, where you can see lists of top sites in thousands of different categories. Say that you are interested in "extrasolar planets;" Alexa has a category for that: Science > Astronomy > Extrasolar Planets. There you'll find a list of 33 different sites about extrasolar planets — all sorted by popularity. Top Sites by Category is a great way to discover new sites.

Site Info
Alexa has a wide range of detailed information for just about every site on the web.

Do you want to know a little more about a website before reaching for your credit card? Alexa can help:

* The Alexa Traffic Rank will tell you how popular the site is. Do lots of people visit this site or is it obscure?
* Alexa provides descriptions of most sites, so you can quickly learn more about the site.
* Contact Info will let you know who owns the site and where they are located.
* The Online Since date will tell you whether this site has been around a long time or if it is new.
* Related Links will give you suggestions for other sites that may provide similar services.

Do you want to know a little more about a website before reaching for your credit card? Alexa can help:

* The Alexa Traffic Rank will tell you how popular the site is. Do lots of people visit this site or is it obscure?
* Alexa provides descriptions of most sites, so you can quickly learn more about the site.
* Contact Info will let you know who owns the site and where they are located.
* The Online Since date will tell you whether this site has been around a long time or if it is new.
* Related Links will give you suggestions for other sites that may provide similar services.

Are you a site owner and want to size up your competition on the Web? Alexa can help:

* The Alexa Traffic Rank will show how popular the site is compared to yours, including Reach, Pageviews and more.
* Keywords will show you which terms your competition is using to get traffic.
* The Clickstream data will show you where your competition is getting traffic from affiliate programs and partners.
* The Demographics data will show you what kind of visitors your competition is attracting.

Hot Urls
Alexa's Hot URLs is a great way to find out what is happening on the web right now. See the latest news stories, videos, or hot sites in near real-time, all sorted by popularity based on the activity of people with the Alexa Toolbar. The list is updated every 5 minutes with the latest info, so check back often to see what's hot.

The Alexa Toolbar
Take Alexa with you as you surf the web. The Alexa Toolbars for Internet Explorer and Firefox give you real-time information about the sites you visit as you surf the web.
Alexa could not exist without the active participation of the Alexa Toolbar community. Each member of the community, in addition to getting a useful tool, is giving back. Simply by using the Toolbar, each member contributes valuable information about the web: how it's used, what's important and what's not. This information is given back to the community as Traffic Rankings, Related Links and more.

Want to help? Install the Alexa Toolbar, and tell your friends. The more people use Alexa, the more useful it becomes.

For Site Owners
If you own a website, you'll want to make sure that we have all the correct data for it. Use this section to keep us up to date.

Literature Copied from Alexa.com
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Related Link With Traffic Rank

Traffic Rank Internet uses crawling, archiving, categorizing, and data mining techniques to build the Related Links lists for millions of Web URLs. One technique used is to analyze links on the crawled pages to find related sites. The day-to-day use of the Traffic Rank service and Related Links by all Traffic Rank users also helps build and refine the data. By looking at high-level trends within the millions of URL "paths" created by Traffic Rank users, we can deduce relationships between Web sites.

For example, if many users go directly from site A to site B, the two sites are likely to be related. Next, all the URLs are checked to make sure they are live links. This process removes links that would take you to pages that don't exist (404 errors), as well as any links to servers that aren't available to the general Internet population, such as servers that are no longer active or are behind firewalls.

Finally, once all of the relationships are established and the links are checked, the top Related Links for each URL are automatically chosen by looking at the strength of the relationship between the sites. Traffic Rank Internet recrawls the Web on a regular basis and rebuilds the data to pull in new sites and to refine the relationships between the existing sites. New sites with strong relationships to a site will automatically appear in the Related Links list for that site by displacing any sites with weaker relationships.

Please note that since the relationships between sites are based on strength, Related Links lists are not necessarily balanced. Site A may appear in the list for Site B, but Site B may not be in the list for Site A. Generally, this happens when the number of sites with strong relationships is greater than ten, or when sites do not have similar enough content.
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Create HTML

HTML problem, you will drive the spirit to edit your blog template. For that I suggest, you should be extra careful, more careful, because just a little mistake will make your blog template is broken. HTML is the representative of the hypertext markup language, which I think is a standard programming language used to display documents or web blog, and edit commands in the language known as HTML TAG term.

TAG is mostly made a pair of TAG and the TAG cover.
For example:
<b>...</b>, for bold or reinforce letter
<i>...</i>, for italic letters

TAG is a pair of overwrite, the overwrite can be (but not remove) functions that have been TAG before. For example, a text that has been made in italics by tag <i> ... </i>, can be overwritten by tags <b> ... </b>, so that the two will give the command that is at once a different combination of italics and bold.

I <b><i> give </i></b> instructions

then that will appear on your blog or web are:

I give instructions

In addition to a pair of TAG, there are also tags that do not need a partner, for example:


A TAG is not affected by the size of the letters, So if the letter is written with the capital will remain the same functionality.

<b>....</b> with the same <B> ....</B>
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Business Guide Paid To Review

Move up a little to the information business, I will write about the Guide Paid To Review, because according to their own experience and information from friends blogger paid to other business at this time to review business is the most easy to find the dollars. From the business paid to review results per month could reach even tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars. Interested in this business? let's learn together.

What is the business paid to review? Paid to see if a review is meant to review the pay or pay for the review. as our bloggers will be paid by the advertiser to review what they have or the more specific review the website or product that they have, and in the post on the blog.

Job calculated based on a review in the post, 1 post review means a job review. Price a job review or post a review varies depending on the agreement, can be only a few dollars, tens of dollars or even hundreds of dollars per one post a review, this price also depends on the quality blogs that you belong, the better your blog in the price can be higher, you interested? Who are involved in the business paid to Review?

Here are those involved in the business paid to review :

* Blogger
The owner of the blog will review the product from the advertiser.

* Broker
A company or website owners who act as intermediaries between bloggers to unite with the advertiser.

* Advertiser
Advertisers, namely in the form of company or corporation or individual can also have a product, be it product or service objects.

Recently, however, appears a new trend that is no longer using blogger service broker as intermediary but directly related to the advertiser as the advertiser, of course this trend and have the excess kekurangannya, hopefully in the future opportunity for the study.

Terms of business Paid To Review
Although all people can participate in to this business, but not everyone can follow it, there are some requirements that you must have. The requirements that must actually meet in slightly different depending on which broker you follow, but nonetheless there are some general criteria that are usually the same between the broker with each other. Following criteria:

* You should have a blog
That this is absolutely owned that does not have a blog later in the review in which the store.

* Blog has registered at least Google Page Rank 3 (PR3)
Actually, not all brokers to apply this rule, but most of them in the blog that requires a minimum of Page Rank 3 register. Greater in the Page Rank that have a blog, the more likely to get a job (employment).

* Blog the alexa traffic have registered under the Rank 300,000
Many of the brokers traffic alexa rank as the measurements of a website popularity. The good alexa traffic rank, it is usually easier to get the various jobs of the broker's review. Thus, the race is to improve the alexa traffic rank of now because alexa traffic rank more easily in the chase each other than the google page rank update takes a relatively long time.

* Good Link Popularity
There is no absolute value to specify the size of the link popularity, but the better the link popularity your blog in the opportunity to receive paid on a broker to review the greater. Not yet know what the link popularity? I mention the general public that link popularity is how many websites or blogs to link to your blog, or also how many pages in the index your blog search engine like Google or yahoo.

* English Language Blog
Not all brokers require this, but the majority of brokers have requested that you create a blog in English because most general advertiser website in the English language. Although there are several brokers who did not make the language used by your blog, this will effect the number of jobs that you will receive. Blog speak English will be easier to get jobs, compared with the blog of another.

* Blog Age registered at least the age of 3 Months
There are a few brokers that require blogs to be registered at least they should have been 3 months. So, if you want to dive in the business paid to review your must from now do not wait more time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

* The language blog article you must be good (spelling and grammar)
Articles that are in the language grammar blog you must be good, do not have the word errors (spelling).

That is some of the criteria or requirements that you must meet if you want to follow the business paid to review.
The above criteria must be owned by your blog. However, if something is preventing you, of course there is little alternative but you have to sacrifice the issued capital must be larger than usual.
To have a blog page rank domain is most certainly not as easy to wait for Google Page Rank update takes 2 to 3 days and that is not guarantee that your blog domain will get a high page rank. To overcome this you can use alternative to buying a domain that is already has a high page rank. To buy a domain that already rank high berpage you can buy it on the website which is doing business in the sale to buy a domain that has been pro page rank, or you can buy it on the forums on the internet, or if you have any friends on the internet you can wonder whether there who want to sell the domain berpage rank. The price of a domain you already have a high page rank would be more expensive of the new domain.
If you can not speak English, you can use the services of others or the interpreter of the article in the English language.
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Business Type On The Internet

Types of business on the Internet is very much the same as business konvensial, therefore we need to know a bit first. With recognize or know the type of business on the Internet, it will give a little description of the business where appropriate for your business or at least where you will learn.

But before the need to emphasize that the business on the Internet need time, effort, tenacity, perseverance, abstinence and surrender do not forget to pray for business on the Internet is not magic that can change your fate in a matter of days.

Here are some types of business in the Internet that may suit your interests and talents:

* Selling property
* Selling Services
* Selling Digital data
* Affiliate
* Advertising
* Multi Level Marketing (MLM)
* Forex
* Etc

List above is only part of the course of the many small businesses in the Internet and that is still divided in several types. as an example to include some types of advertising such as:

* Direct advertising / ads without third-party intermediaries
* Pay Per Click (PPC): Pay based on the number of ad clicks
* Pay To Click (PTC) pay to click on ads
* Paid to Review (PTR) in the pay review for a website
* Pay for the survey

In the future, I will research in more detail of each program.
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Choosing a Template

For those of you who have made a blog on blogspot and do some settings, the next step you need to do is choose a template. A template is a design web pages or blog along with all its components (header, sidebar, Wraper, Picture, stylesheet, and other) files that include both static and dynamic files, in the form of program or application that runs as an application in the web blog ate. As you see now, as the banner above, background color, the fields at the top, next to the right, and all in my blog is one form of design templates.
Choosing a good template to suit us is we need to do, because the view template with the good and interesting to see in it will make the visitors to the blog entry that we are happy to old is in our blog, in addition to course content from our blog also really support.
At the beginning of the blog to make, in fact we have already given the command to determine the template which we will use, but there is a template option is still small. Well, now we go directly to the main discussion, the steps in selecting blogger.com blog template:

1. Please login first as usual with your user name property.
2. On your blog dashboard select 'Layout' and select 'New Template'.
3. There are more than 10 templates that you can select and use an alternative, you can 'Preview' to choose a layout template which is in accordance with your wishes. Just after you are sure the menu select 'Save'.
4. Click Menu 'View Blog', your blog template is done.
5. For beginner or newcomer on the blog, I recommend to use the template 'Minima' first, to ease later if you want to edit the HTML format template.

Perhaps you have visited a few blogs on the internet who use the blogspot blogger.com, but the template used in the does not have the option when selecting a template. This means that the template in use is the template that is editable format or its HTML template is not made from blogger.com own. Because, in many internet sites or even blogs that provide free templates for use in the Blogger (blogspot).
If you want to explore and use the template that you can visit other Central Free Templates, Blog Kang Rohman, and Ipietoon. But I suggest that you actually follow the instructions from them, do not immediately install a template that you downloaded. Why? HTML format is slightly different to those in blogger.com can make your default template is broken.
Be better, you must first extract the template that you download, usually results in the form of a notepad file. Just you watch and learn HTML format it, then you can copy and paste the format that you want to enter to edit the HTML pages in your template. This is an instant way to make your template looks to be more varied. If you really want to learn HTML editing, I recommend to edit the HTML template you one at a time.
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Google Sitemap Registration

In this article, I want to discuss how the problems are the articles we have made, we arrange with the neat and full of ideas can quickly be accessed or indexed in search engines or search engines, so you feel satisfied on the results of the paper prepared by long -spend hours or even days to complete an article can be accessed by thousands and even millions of people the internet user. Search engines or search engine that I want to study here, of course Search engine search engine or of the almost 85% internet users in the world of Search engines or utilize this search engine, Google.
Although many actual articles there are on the internet, have been discussing this issue but there is no one to discuss the return with the article I certainly hope this can be more easily learned and understood, and provides more benefits, especially for beginners in the world of internet.

Google Webmaster Tools
Google webmaster tools is a feature provided by Google free to create and facilitate a site or blog you have access or index in search engines or search engine Google. Google can display the article in your site or blog, to help diagnose problems that arise, let you share info with internet users around the world, and to help improve the visibility, or want to achieve that goal by the site or through your blog from search results on search engines or search engine called Google.
The first step to improve visibiltas goal or who want to achieve your site or blog is to understand and learn better with Google, especially Google crawl and how to access / blog indexing site or your property, how to ensure that Google has access to your site or blog.

Registration Site or Blog into Google Sitemap
To register your site or blog to us in the Google Sitemap, first you must have an email account on Google.com, because later you will use this in the registration process. Step by step is easy if you really follow the instructions that I provide.
1. Please open your browser page, type in your browser's Home Page 'http://www.google.com/webmasters' Here, or select, the page will appear:

2. When you already have an email account in Google, please select the 'Sign in to Webmaster Tools', which do not have to select 'Create a New Google Account'.

3. After Sign In, then the page appears Webmaster Tools Dashboard following:

4. Enter the Web address in your Blog or the 'Add Site', then select 'Add Site', it appears the 'Dashboard Overview' the following:

5. The 'checklist' interpret your Blog or Web are registered in your account Webmaster. The next step select 'Verify your site', it appears the 'Dashboard Verify a Site', following here:

6. Visible on the page above the status of your Web or Blog has not been verified or 'Verification Status: NOT verified. To perform verification, please select the 'Choose verification method' and select 'add a meta tag'. Then appear following pages:

7. Please copy your 'meta tags' <meta name = verify-V1 ... .... 'Go to your Blog or Web log in page and edit HTML. Enter the code meta tags that you copy, paste the code after the code <head> or before </head>. If you feel confused, please re-open the 'Verify a Site "earlier and Select 'Show me an example'. So the page will appear as follows:

8. To Blog, please see the example on the following pages:

9. After you have finished laying the code meta tags on the edit menu or the HTML Web Blog, the menu select 'Save' the page and return to Google Webmaster Tools 'Verify a Site', and select the 'Verify'. So the page will appear as follows:

10. Above shows the Web page or blog you have verified the 'Google Webmaster Tools'.
11. The next step is, is the most important series of steps over the line. So I ask you really notice that I give instructions, so the articles you post on the Web or Blog can quickly access or indexed in Google Sitemap.
12. Re-entry on the 'Google Webmaster Tools Dashboard, then select the menu 'Sitemap', then the page will appear as follows:

13. Enter the code Atom.xml following:


To in the 'Sitemap Submit', next you select the 'Submit Sitemap'

14. Enter the code rss.xml following:


To in the 'Sitemap Submit', next you select the 'Submit Sitemap. So look into the page like the following:

15. Give the 'checklist' in the contents of the menu 'My Sitemap, Filename' is the code that atom.xml and rss.xml of new entries before, and then select the menu 'Resubmit'.
16. Done.

Google may take a maximum of 1 x 24 hours to verify the articles you post on your Blog or Web, but when the connection is smooth and there is no interference in just minutes you post articles that are indexed in Google. When the status of 'Pending' on the menu 'My Sitemap, Status' has changed to' Ok ', then you can page through a browser mengeceknya in the search engine, by typing the Web address, or your blog.
Happy Trying ..?!!

Related Post :
Alexa Registration
How to Setting Blog ?
Create Blog on Blogspot
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Alexa Registration

I will not say that the article is already deemed as stale already much discussed, but due to the fact that the site www.alexa.com has changed both in terms of view and in terms of the techniques of registration on the site earlier, I was puzzled and ask ask, we usually have to be a 'member' first, we can get the new widget and its HTML code. Therefore I dare to go back and discuss the assessment whether an article is useful or not I fully submit to the readers and visitors to my blog.
If we directly writing www.alexa.com on the browser page, the page is shown below:

Perhaps you are confused, where registration and become a member of this site. Although our data directly fill the web address or our site here is not really a problem, even for a widget. But still we have not considered alexa as a member, so as to open the menu Contact Info, Related Links, Clickstream, Demographics and did not find data on what the data should include a web or blog us.
To condense the article because it will contain many pictures as illustration, we will start the steps.
1. Open your Browser Page
2. Type in the Home Page www.alexa.com/help or click here so that the page will appear as follows:

3. At the top right Corner there is a menu option 'Register' and 'Login'.
4. Select the 'Register' to start the registration data. So the page that appears is as follows:

5. Fill your data correctly on each of the fields that are available, the menu and then select 'Sign Up'.
6. Close the page of your site and alexa page you open your email to continue the registration process.
7. If you already have the email reply from alexa, then open the email. Re-entry to the site alexa available via a link in an email. There will be back your registration confirmation and a password.
8. Registration complete.

Next is a start to update your website or blog to get the Traffic Rank, Site Overview and Widget. The steps as follows:
1. On the home page select the menu alexa 'For Site Owner' on the page such as:

2. Enter the web address or your blog in the fields. Next page appears:

3. I Want to Select: Request That Crawl .. (Name of your blog or web) for the 'update'.
4. Update completed.

Next is the HTML code to find widgets that will be installed on the web or your blog. Step as follows:
1. Go to the menu in the 'Site widget', you will be entered on the following pages:

2. Enter the web address or your blog, to get a simple widget that you should choose the 'Alexa Site Stats Button' or 'Alexa Site Rank Button'.
3. Then select the menu 'Build Widgets', then the page will appear as follows:

4. Right Mouse click on one of your columns that you want the HTML code, and then Select 'Select All' and copy the HTML code.

The last step is the part that is easy, as follows:
1. Login to the web or your blog
2. Select the Layout menu, then Page Element menu.
3. Select the 'Add Gadget' column on your sidebar.
4. Select the Gadget 'HTML JavaScript' and 'paste' the HTML code that you get from alexa earlier.
5. Select the 'Save and View your Blog or Web.
6. Done.

One thing that I need to remind, Alexa usually takes 1 or 2 days to confirm your registration data, but to update Traffic Rank usually takes 2 or 3 days, depending on the number of visitors on the website or blog you have.
For the master, suggestions and criticisms you please comment channeled through the city. Of course, suggestions and criticisms which I expected to build. Hopefully useful..

Related Post :
How to Setting Blog ?
Create Blog on Blogspot
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How to Setting Blog ?

To create your new blog, there are some settings in the blog so that we do can be recognized by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and more. If you do not know what to do to in the blog, here are the steps :

1. You must first login to blogger.com with the username and password belong to you
2. Select the title of the blog you want in the settings (if you already have several blogs)
3. Select Settings, then select Basic. Some form of content that should be on the menu is basic :

- Title: the title of the content of your blog. Example: Practically Guide
- Description: the description of the content of your blog. Example: Practically Guide | Tutorial.
- Add your blog to our list: select Yes each post so that we always go on the list of Blogger.com.
- Let the search engines find your blog: select Yes
- Show Quick Editing on your Blog: select Yes
- Show Email Post links: select Yes, select does not also does not do anything
- Adult Content: Select No. Select Yes if you mean the blog's blog for the adult (porno blog)
- Show Compose Mode for all your blog: select Yes
- Enable transliteration: select No, alternative language that other languages Cuma hindi (India), select Yes if you like India languages.
- Select the Save Settings button.
- Done.

4. Select the Publish menu to set the Publication:
- Address blogspot: content with the name of your blog. Example: Pracitaclly.
- Select the Save button settings
- Done.

5. Select the Format menu to set the format:
- Show: select a number posts (which means you make the article) that you want to show. Example: Show: 9 posting, this means that articles will appear on your blog page is an article of nine. Choose Post (not days) in the pulldown menu.
- Date Header Format: select the date / month that you like, Format the date / month this will always appear above our post.
- Archive Index Date format: select a model for archiving that you like.
- Timestamp Format: Select the shape you like.
- Time Zone: Select the time zone of the location of your line. WIB for example: [UTC-+7.00] Asia / Jakarta.
- Language: Select the desired language, if you are a beginner, choose language
- Show Field title: Select Yes
- Show column link: select Yes
- Activate the flattening float: select Yes
- Select the Save Settings button
- Done.

6. Select Comments, To set the menu Comment:
- Comments: select Display, this article so that you can in the comment by a visitor
- Who can comment: Select Anyone - including the Anonymous User. This mean that in every person can be said is not limited to members only blogspot.
- Comments Default for Posts: select a new post has a comment.
- Link back: Select the Show. This is so we know that when there is a link on our article.
- Backlinks Default for Posts: select new post Have Backlinks.
- Comments Timestamp Format: select the format you short hours. Example: 8:00 PM.
- Show comments in a popup window: select Yes. So that when the Select by visitors, the blog page you do not disappear, especially the comments page.
- Enable comment moderation: select.
- Show word verification for comments: select Yes. Intended to avoid the software with the goal of making a robot spam.
- Display pictures in the profile comment: select Yes. So that the picture ID commentator who has a blogger, you can display the photos.
- Email Notification Comments: fill with your email address, this is intended in order to have any comment on the article, you can post as an email from blogger.com notice.
- Select the Save Settings button.
- Done.

7. Select the Archive, To set the Archive:
- Archive Frequency: select Weekly or Monthly.
- Enable Post Pages: select Yes.
- Select the Save Settings button
- Done

8. Select Site Feed, to set the menu Site Feed:
- Allow Blog Feed: select Full.
- Post Feed URL Changing Directions: fill in the address of the feed from the feed address such feed burner, if not own, in clear only.
- Post Feed Footer: Please fill in with the ad code you have, eg, the ad code from Google Adsense etc., but if not, please clear the course.
- Select the Save Changes button
- Done.
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Create Blog on Blogspot

There may be among you who do not know about blogs and wondering about the blog, then I'll review a bit about the blog version of my own.

What is a Blog ?
Blog (short for Web log) is a site that is more personal, the more weight to the depiction of the creator of the blog itself. Blog is created by the designers so that the blog works automatically and is easy to operate, so for us who are still confused with the programming language to create a website it does not matter. If you can make an email account on the internet, then in making sure my blog is you can.

How to Create a Blog ?
Like e-mail, create a blog we must also have an account first, so please register your self in the first free blog provider (hosting provider/domain free blog). Free blog provider is very much on the internet and there are several popular at this time is http://www.blogger.com, http://www.wordpress.com, and http://blogsome.com.

In the opportunity this time I will review the blog about the making of the http://www.blogger.com. Once you are on the blogger.com site, you will see images such as picture above.

Follow the steps below :

1. Click the arrow labeled "Create YOUR BLOG"

2. Fill in the Email Address your email address (certainly valid)

3. Fill in your return email address on the form before Retype email address

4. Enter the password that you want in the form Enter a password

5. Fill in your password again just now in the form Retype password

6. Content Display Name with the name you want to show

7. Write the text contained in the Word Verification form. Give the 'check' box on any posts on the edge and I accept the Terms of Service.

8. Click image arrow labeled "CONTINUE"

9. Enter the blog title that you want (in the future can change again) in the form Blog Title

10. Write the name of your site in the form Blog address (URL)

11. Write any posts that are displayed on the verification form Verify words, if the picture is complete click the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".

12. Choose an image (template) that you want (in the future can change again), and click the image arrow labeled "CONTINUE"

13. Out any posts after the "Your blog has been iptakan". Click on the picture the arrow labeled "FROM POST". Please write you at your convenience, if you are finished click the button
"Publish POST".

Content Blog
For the beginners, they usually upset after making a list of what blogs have to fill in the (post) in a blog. The contents of a blog, of course, is up to the blog owners themselves, whether in the body of like poetry, life journey, technique, or whatever. Well here I recommend that, fill your blog with interest and expertise hoby or your own, because, of course, outside there are so many people that would equal his hoby and interests with you, so that they will be interested to read your writings.

I will guide you to the next step. I would wait for the next article. Hopefully useful.
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