Choosing a Template

For those of you who have made a blog on blogspot and do some settings, the next step you need to do is choose a template. A template is a design web pages or blog along with all its components (header, sidebar, Wraper, Picture, stylesheet, and other) files that include both static and dynamic files, in the form of program or application that runs as an application in the web blog ate. As you see now, as the banner above, background color, the fields at the top, next to the right, and all in my blog is one form of design templates.
Choosing a good template to suit us is we need to do, because the view template with the good and interesting to see in it will make the visitors to the blog entry that we are happy to old is in our blog, in addition to course content from our blog also really support.
At the beginning of the blog to make, in fact we have already given the command to determine the template which we will use, but there is a template option is still small. Well, now we go directly to the main discussion, the steps in selecting blog template:

1. Please login first as usual with your user name property.
2. On your blog dashboard select 'Layout' and select 'New Template'.
3. There are more than 10 templates that you can select and use an alternative, you can 'Preview' to choose a layout template which is in accordance with your wishes. Just after you are sure the menu select 'Save'.
4. Click Menu 'View Blog', your blog template is done.
5. For beginner or newcomer on the blog, I recommend to use the template 'Minima' first, to ease later if you want to edit the HTML format template.

Perhaps you have visited a few blogs on the internet who use the blogspot, but the template used in the does not have the option when selecting a template. This means that the template in use is the template that is editable format or its HTML template is not made from own. Because, in many internet sites or even blogs that provide free templates for use in the Blogger (blogspot).
If you want to explore and use the template that you can visit other Central Free Templates, Blog Kang Rohman, and Ipietoon. But I suggest that you actually follow the instructions from them, do not immediately install a template that you downloaded. Why? HTML format is slightly different to those in can make your default template is broken.
Be better, you must first extract the template that you download, usually results in the form of a notepad file. Just you watch and learn HTML format it, then you can copy and paste the format that you want to enter to edit the HTML pages in your template. This is an instant way to make your template looks to be more varied. If you really want to learn HTML editing, I recommend to edit the HTML template you one at a time.


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